Rob49 Surprises Bowie State Students During 3rd Stop of 2024 DTLR HBCU Welcome Back Tour
Written by DTLR Radio on August 29, 2024

After an amazing show at Howard University and Morgan State University, it’s time for stop number 3 of the 2024 DTLR HBCU Welcome Back – Bowie State!
It was a hot day to say the least, but the Bowie students pulled up and weathered the storm. Kyle On The Mic, a Bowie alum, along with Fadam Got Da Juice served as the hosts for this stop. With another amazing performance slate in store, the moment that everyone talked about was the surprise apperance from Rob49, who shut the stage down in a major way!
In addition to Rob, we saw amazing performances from others including Lil Pak, Psiryn, Lehla Samia, Noodah05, the wonderful Heaven, as well as Capella Grey who also made a surprise appearance. The Greek organizations also kicked things off strongly as they strolled through the stage and set the tone for the day’s festivities.
In addition to the music, the amazing activations continued in full force. From free giveaways, to the NCAA’25 gaming center, to the student Vendor Row, to the US Army informational booth (and ROTC strength challenge), to the McDonald’s lounge, we had it all. Despite staying in the shade as much as they could, the Bowie students were still full of energy from start to finish marking an amazing return to the school year.
Our sponsors at Nike, McDonald’s, Ethika and the US Army helped make this tour stop special for us. The Welcome Back Tour has been an amazing experience thus far. Safe to say it’s a fun way to welcome the students back for another promising school year.
The final stop of the 2024 Welcome Back Tour will be at Delaware State on August 30th. Get ready!