Photo Recap: Jack Harlow Shuts Down ATL During DTLR Meet & Greet!
Written by Jay Holz on May 12, 2022

Jack Harlow and the Atlantic Records team took over our DTLR location in Camp Creek (ATL) and let’s just say it was movie.
The event started at 4pm ET and we had fans in line as early as 6am. It was unbelievable! With roughly 900 attendees, Jack was able to meet each and every single one of them, get a photo, and of course their autographed copy of CHTKMY.
We spoke to a variety of fans, some of which traveled to the event all the way from Texas, the Carolinas and more. Ever since the release of Come Home The Kids Miss You, Jack’s been the talk of the town and rightfully so.
Our good friends at Hot 107.9 provided the music for us during the event, while our New Balance family was the main sponsor. Hosted by DTLR Radio’s own Fadam Got Da Juice, safe to say the kids love Jack and Jack loves the kids.
For those who were in attendance, we got a gallery of photos available for you below. For those who couldn’t make it, don’t worry… we have more events on the horizon!

(Photo Credit: Sade at Creative Chip – @onecreativechip)