‘Free Tony Lewis’ Rally Floods Black Lives Matter Plaza In Washington D.C.
Written by King Flexxa on April 13, 2021

This past Saturday (4.10.21) Tony Lewis Jr. spearheaded a rally at Black Lives Matter Plaza in our nation’s capital, all in support of his incarcerated father, Tony Lewis Sr.–currently serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole (32 years and counting).
“This life without parole sentence I have, it’s really a slow death sentence,” Tony Lewis Sr. recently tells his son over the phone . “That’s a reality that I know, and every time I think about it, it’s scary.”
From the moment Tony Lewis Jr. announced he was having a rally, I was determined to make sure I was present in solidarity with him, his family, and the affectionate D.C. community–so i took the ‘Flexx Rated Radio Show’ to Black Lives Matter Plaza for the afternoon.
As the legendary Backyard Band serenaded the crowd, I was able to have a moment with Tony Lewis Jr. for a moment on DTLR Radio–He goes on to express his gratitude for the outpouring support and a call to action for the Biden administration to create a clemency program so not just his father, but thousands of Americans can be reunited with their loved ones.
This moment was monumental beyond measure–the efforts echoed far past D.C. A strong representation of community was all in the atmosphere–rallying for the reunification of a son and his dad. #FreeTonyLewis is more than just a hashtag… it’s a just-cause.
Here are some moments from the rally: